Put Away The Sword - Jonny Lee

Fight Club | Part 2
Put Away The Sword
We can feel as Christians as easy targets, there is a sense that the same tolerances and rules don’t apply to us. The world is always going to be the world and we are the church! There will always be Judases, Mobs, and Officials and Jesus sets how to react to each, how not to create echo chambers, and how to ‘put away the sword.’ Can we truly hold to a practice of non violence in the world and be heard? It really is down to what, and whom, you believe you are fighting for.

Fight Club
In a world of war, aggressive speech and violent reactions, can we as Christians witness to the world, on how to deal with offence and conflict well? Firstly. how do we handle the inevitable conflict amongst one another? Secondly, can we truly hold to a practice of non violence in the world and be heard? It really is down to what, and whom, you believe you are fighting for.

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